Demonic activity at Chucky Cheese is too high to expose a JW child to. This could result in the little tad growing up and becoming an ax murderer. Listen to your wife on this one.
drahcir yarrum
JoinedPosts by drahcir yarrum
My kid wants a B-day party
by openminded inbut my wife is a hard core jw.
should we just sneak away to chuck-e cheese or what?
he is 5.
Whats your thoughts on sex & the WTS
by Leander inhopefully this topic won't shock anyone, i'll try to keep my comments as tasteful as possible.
just recently (last weekend) my younger brother met with the elders because he was engaged in fornication.
the elders decided to disfellowship him even though he had long stopped having any contact with the person he had been involved with.
drahcir yarrum
I believe the most diabolical thing about any religion is when they insert themselves into sexual relations between men and women or anyone else. It it weren't for the natural and biological urges for sexual activity, we wouldn't exist as a species.
There have been many studies done that show that couples with an active sex life survive longer and better as couples. So sex ain't just for procreation anymore. Does that mean I want to see people engaging in sex out in the open and on the streets. Not at all. I'm for some degree of modesty. But not for religious purposes. It simply puts us in a more civilized catagory than yard dogs and live stock.
Two words that should be stricken from our language are "nasty" and "immoral". Sex is neither such thing. It is pleasurable and soothing and damnit, just fun. Well, it would only be nasty if Fredhall were doing it.
Update from Bethel....
by LDH injust received word from my parents who were visiting with a bethelite [8>] couple over the week end (circuit assembly).. my dad's on the defensive because i have begun to tell him exactly what i think og the wbts.. anyhow he wanted to let me know, per this couple, the jw are housing firefighters and even feeding them!
my response?
drahcir yarrum
This notion that the WTS provided water, food or anything else to the firemen and/or police officers helping at the WTC disaster is simply bull. Logistically it makes no sense at all. These firemen and policemen would have had to walk or drive a significant distance to get the the WT HQ in Brooklyn. Why would they go there unless on their way home? And if on their way home, why stop at the foot of the Brooklyn bridge for water, food or shelter? IT MAKES NO SENSE.
Did the WTS ship water and food to the WTC site? I don't know but I doubt they did. Did they supply heavy equipment for site cleanup? Other than forklifts, what would they offer? Therefore I doubt they did anything other than offer some visiting JW's some food and a room for the night. BFD!
by MadApostate insince it has been several years since i attended an assembly/convention, i don't know if some of you folks are still picketing such, .
the upcoming special assembly this sunday would seem to be a great opportunity to spread this un issue to the jw r&f.. can't you just hear the "buzz" in the hallways:.
"why are the apostates holding signs saying, 'get the wbts out of the un'"?.
drahcir yarrum
Fredhall is one of the oddities of this forum. He knows that JW's are discouraged from fellowshipping with apostates and yet he frolics with us most days. He never really cites proof for his point of view, he just seems to be critical of those of us who have freed ourselves from the organization and it's deceptions. He's a taunter if you will.
But, having said that, Fredhall is truely a harmless pussycat. I have great hopes that he will have the scales fall from his eyes eventually, as a result of the information he might glean here, and curse the WTS. We can only hope so.
Drahcir bin Yarrum
For those of you who attend a church
by closer2fine ini was raised a jw & left when i was 19. my husband went to a few different churches growing up (catholic, methodist etc) but he doesn't really consider himself a member of any particular denomination.
he considers himself a christian, although he isn't sure what he believes or if he believes in the bible as god's word.. i have run from any type of organized group that is controlling.
i don't know if i believe in god, or the bible as anything more than a series of stories with life lessons in them.
drahcir yarrum
While I'm not a believer myself, I do attend church on Sunday's with my wife and three children. We attend a Presbyterian church. I find the sermons to be tolerable and the music to be outstanding. From time to time we have soloists sing who are very talented. The music in general is very contemporary with some of the old time protestant hymns thrown in.
The main reason I insist that we attend is for my children. They enjoy the hour of Sunday School each week with kids they go to school with. The church also gets involved in a number of charitable works and missions that truely do help people in need. The children participate in that as well. I believe that this type of mainstream religion can teach children some moral lessons as well as the importance of being part of a larger community for promoting good, not preaching the bible. That appears to be the assigned task of the ministers in the church.
Good luck in your decision.
Drahcir bin Yarrum
Why can't we own Canadians?
by closer2fine inlaura schlessinger is a us radio personality who dispenses advice to.
i have tried asking, but most women take offense.. d) lev.
he violates lev.
drahcir yarrum
I really don't need a Canadian right now, but could use a Canadian Club and water.
Why can't we own Canadians?
by closer2fine inlaura schlessinger is a us radio personality who dispenses advice to.
i have tried asking, but most women take offense.. d) lev.
he violates lev.
drahcir yarrum
Ah yes, Canada, a place where they refer to sliced ham as bacon.
Is it true that in Canada they think the United States is the "Great Satan"?
Education idiot!
by FrightMare inif most of you were jw's at one time, am i right in assuming that most of you are uneducated?
anyone here actually have a degree of some sort?
drahcir yarrum
I have an MBA. Not a Harvard MBA, but it wasn't an online college either. And the truth of the matter is, it hasn't earned me one extra dollar or a promotion. I did it for the pure satisfaction of accomplishing a goal.
I earned all of my higher education starting at age 27.
BTW, I know a number of outstanding people who have little or no higher education. They are well read and have excellent street smarts. A diploma doesn't make you intelligent. It's just suitable for framing.
Drahcir bin Yarrum
by Gianluca inif the talibans win here is the glimpse of the future....... * .
* .
* .
drahcir yarrum
Women would be shopping for the latest face coverings, groceries and would be limited to house chores and child bearing. Hmmm, change "face coverings" to "head coverings" and you have life in the New World after Armageddon. Theocracies are wonderful!
I need your advice
by cecil ini need your advice: i have written a letter to my branch office regarding my problems with the 607-chronology 60+ pages with short references about the issue, that i have collected through the past 9-10 years.
at the end of my letter i asked 14 questions 7 questions regarding the biblical evidence against the 607 bce-chronology and 7 questions regarding the historical and astronomical evidence against it.. the letter i received as an answer did not contain anything that could qualify as an answer or even an attempt to answer my questions.
i called the branch office by phone and talked to the brother who had written the answer.
drahcir yarrum
My advice is to quit trying to reason with liars. The WTS is full of liars and decievers.
Take up a nice hobby that provides you with enjoyment and satisfies your inner need for accomplishment.
If you find yourself anywhere near a Kingdom Hall, immediately turn in the other direction and head that way.
Peace be with you and enjoy this life to the fullest.